OLIVEIRA, P. B. M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8121249708934264; OLIVEIRA, Polyanna Bárbara de Medeiros.
The hydrogram sets up an important tool for the management of water resources,
presenting the behavior of river flow in a given period (flow versus time curve), it is
possible to separate the contributions of the dominant surface runoff and base, as in a
river perennial, which are highlighted in the months of flood and drought. For everyday
scale, rainy periods normally have streamflows pulses - Rise and decay, whose
information is of great value for such studies in ecology (riparian life), hydrology (control
demands) and sanitation (flood control). This paper aims to present the separation of the
daily flow of basal / direct surface flow, and still a contribution of subdivision of highfrequency
variability, emphasized by the rise and recession of streamflow perturbations,
located on the the lower course of the river Paraíba region . Based on these analyzes made
through hydrograms, it was observed that the direct surface runoff is very expressive in
the months of March to April related to total annual runoff volume. It is hoped the work,
support related to water management instruments, such as grants and charging for the use
of raw water studies.