ARAÚJO, J. A.; ARAÚJO, Jucileide Alves de.
This paper presents a study of field with a level of an exploratory reaserch and a qualitative approach concerning some of the impacts that the excessive consumption of alcohol can cause in the adolescent lives of Professor José Gonçalves de Queiroz High School, and identify the motivations for alcohol consumption, evaluate the consequences of such overuse may cause not only in the lives of teenagers as well as their families. The development of this research happened upon bibliographical researchs about alcohol and adolescence with the data of the field research performed with students of the institution mentioned above, to this, we have used the technique of applying interviews.We can presume that adolescence is marked by several changes in individual's life. At this stage the human being becomes vulnerable to changes their behaviors, they faced with different situations of risk, stands out, for example, the use of alcohol and other psychoactive substances which have become common in our society, it is constitutes a serious problem of public health . It is also a phase of discoveries in their identity formation.Thus, we can realize that alcohol as a triggering factor in many cases of physical and psychological problems of health involves and affects not only individual consumers but also betrays the relatives and family life.