RAMOS, P.A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5873095433362408; RAMOS, Pâmela Adelino.
The Quality Management is a management technology non-separable from modern
companies’ priorities. It became a concern of pro-active companies which aim to comprehend
the relationship between quantity and the value provided by quality, its purpose is the
continuous improvement of offered products and services. Quality is no more a differential
but essential to products and services, in view of the increasing requirement from costumers
that worry about its cost-benefit. The QM intends to make the costumers realize the value of
goods or services greater than its price. The objective of this work is to present the quality in
different ways, through its conceptualization, evolution, subjective aspects, current
approaches, used tools and prizes. The text is divided in: Introduction, identifying the value of
quality in reach of organizational objectives; Theoretical Backgrounds, where you can find
the bibliographical research with all the base of thoughts from several authors who wrote
about the subject and their positions about the established questions; Methodology, it presents
the segment which this work belongs through the description of its nature, objectives and
technical procedures; and Final Considerations, which shows the QM importance to
companies that wants to make internal and external improvements.