NASCIMENTO, A. F.;; NASCIMENTO, Adriana Farias do.
This study investigates the linguistic and educational development of the students at Bilingual School for Deaf People “NossaSenhora da Conceição”, in the city of Sumé, an educational space that should be a linguistic and educational center for deaf people on Paraíba‟scariri. The research is made by a qualitative approach. The data gathering instruments were the observation, field notebook records and semi-structured interviews with deaf students. Our general objective was to verify the changes that occurred in the linguistic, educational and familiar process of the subjects after joining this Institution for Deaf People in Sumé, making a brief historical view from antiquity to the present day.Our specific objectives were to investigate how the changes in the educational perspective allowed linguistic advances for deaf students, describe and analyze the situations involving their linguistic appropriation process and the educational development in this school. To analyze the student‟s educational and linguistic development, it was done a comparative between their lives in the past and their present condition. In the family context, we analyze the communication process between family members, daily, before and after the student joined the Bilingual School, and the family interest on learning Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) to establish effective communication and in the educational field, experiences in their regular school, and learning in this educational space.Finally, the student‟s improvement on bilingual education and the changes on their lives, after joining this institution. The results tell us that it is possible to point the bilingual education approach as the one that best enables the development of the deaf student respecting their linguistic, educational and cultural particularities.