MELO, C. L.;; MELO, Claudia Lima de.
Didactic games are a powerful tool for the learning-teaching process, and they are also an alternative for the teachers to contextualize and to deal with complex subjects. In this context, the present work is about didactic games in biology teaching. This work is the result of a research in the Professor José Gonçalves de Queiroz school, at Sumé city, Paraiba State, Brazil. The study was conducted on biology classes of the 2nd year of the high school. The aim of this study was to build a didactic game and to applie it on class. The game, called “Microcaminhos-virus” was developed with low cost material and good visual resources. The idea of this game was to help the teachers and students with the microbiology classes, in specially about virus. It was originally developed in microbiology classes of the graduation course in Field Education at the Federal University of Campina Grande, under the supervision of the professorGlauciane Danusa Coelho. For this research the game was modified and restricted to virus subject. So, images and questions was carefully selected to perform the game. A questionnaire was applied to verify the quality of the didactic game. The classes where the game was used showed a better performance in the questionnaire answers. The Fisher´s exact test showed significant (p<0.05) differences in a metadata analysis. The results leads to conclude that the game “Microcaminhos-virus” is a good tool for microbiology teaching, and should be used by the biology teachers as a ludical propose of study.