ARAÚJO, A. M.;; ARAÚJO, Auricélia de Melo.
The present work is the result of a field research, performed in a school in the city of Sumé – PB, referenced on theoretical premises pertinent to gender relations in the school context. We highlight the importance of school in the construction of a gender identity ruled by equality, through its contribution to demystify prejudices. In this sense, the question analyzed is: what are the contributions that educational practices offer to demystify prejudices on gender relations? This way, we have tried to analyze whether the educational practices developed on the referred school contribute to demystify the gender prejudice. For that, interviews with teachers were performed, with a focal group formed by students, as well as observations from the school everyday life, in order to get closer to the object of study. The paper presents theoretical bases related to the analysis of the researched material departing from reflections of authors such as Bourdieu (2002) and Louro (1997). We present the concept of gender linked to a conception of education based on the respect of differences. On one side, the analyses point us that the school has developed actions that contribute to demystify prejudices, based in combating gender inequality. On the other side, these actions are casual, not yet systematized within the school curriculum. Then, based on what has been diagnosed it is recommended that the ideal is to incorporate the discussions pertinent to gender relations in all disciplines, in the contents worked in classroom, as well as in the extra class activities, so that these issues are included in educational practices as permanent actions.