COSTA, D. S.;; COSTA, Danilo de Sousa.
With the growing expansion of universities in Brazil, accessibility to higher education has been target of many students of basic education. Increasingly students are favored with proximity to an institution of higher education. With this diffusion of higher education at university relationship - society is one of the favored ways of actions undertaken with undergraduates who work directly in society, either with specific subjects such as supervised internship, or created through projects that involve society in their various sectors (educational, cultural, public, etc.). In projects developed by universities undergraduates have the opportunity, depending on the type of project that engages, experience their future practice, have experiences with other area other than his performance among others, and this entails a more certain professional goals and with a somewhat broader view regarding those who have not passed through practical experience made possible by the projects. With several areas of a project of social intervention, we focus on the area of education, in light of our training on a degree course. With the implementation of a project that aims to promote education through their actions, we need to observe the results obtained by implementing this. For this, we observe the influence of the Institutional Program Initiation to Teaching (PIBID) of the programs funded by CAPES - Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel in students' learning process, which are in effect on public schools city Sumé- PB. This is a survey in which reference to the bimonthly averages obtained by the students.