MACIEL. R. F;; MACIEL, Franciely Renaly.
This work is the result of a field survey referenced on theoretical assumptions related to the planning of teaching, having as object of study the contributions to this pedagogical practice in multigrade classes . In this sense , our overall goal was at first analyze the contributions of education planning for the improvement of pedagogical practice in the field school , Mariano Gonçalves , in the municipality of Sumé / PB . Therefore , it was necessary to seek knowledge on this subject , for it was important to study the theoretical example of Campos (2010 ) , Libâneo (2008 ) , Gandin (2005 ) , among others , which gave basic theoretical and methodological support for conducting this work . The job analysis is based on collections of classroom data , observations of teaching plans , and observations of teaching practice in the classroom as well as the interview with the teacher , among other methods and techniques that have provided support for the research. In this sense , the lack of structure of the school , the challenges facing the teacher in teaching practice to meet the needs of students , and the importance of working with thematic axis and contextual education was observed . Thus the survey favored me experiences and knowledge on planning education and its importance as a facilitator of pedagogical work.