FIGUEIREDO, L. V.;; FIGUEIREDO, Luislândia Vieira de.
The scarcity of water resources in the northeastern semi-arid region is due to marked differences between the rainy and the dry season. Improper use and waste of water is another serious problem. Concerned about these environmental impacts, this research was carried out at E.E.E.F.M. Professor Crispim Coelho, located in Cajazeiras - PB, with the objective of acting in environmental education focusing on rational use and reduction of water waste. Among the methodological procedures, data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire about the water consumption profile in the school mentioned above. Subsequently, an educational awareness lecture was held among students, administrative staff, staff and teachers about the importance of correct use and conservation of water resources. To collect water consumption at school, we used an electronic device with an ultrasonic sensor that periodically monitored the height of the water level in the school reservoir and recorded the information on a computer. This research is classified as bibliographic, action research, applied and quali / quantitative. As the survey shows, 90% of the students said it is possible that in the future there may be water scarcity on planet earth and the main responsible for the conservation of water resources are themselves. It was also observed that there was a reduction of 900 liters of water per day after the intervention in the school environment. These data indicate that through simple attitudes such as monitoring and repairing possible leaks provide a significant reduction in water consumption.