AIRES, F. S.;; AIRES, Fleberson Saraiva.
This work of completion is an approach to the use of contextualization of flat spacetime geometry in the field schools for teaching math in a State School of Education Elementary and Secondary Bartholomew Maracajá , located in São José dos Lambs Paraíba .We use forms and design found in the field where students pose view these forms in their own daily lives , and to identify the same calculations in context .We also intend to seek awakening the development of new methodologies for teachers as innovative alternative , and that can bring out the best student learning , and spatial geometry of the flat. We aim with this research, promote motivation, interest and the possibility of a new methodology to be used by teachers , so that they may arouse motivation, interest , curiosity and willingness to learn from students. Anyway, let's work out the contents of the flat space from forms found in the daily lives of students of the field geometry, contextualizing the mathematical contents in order to identify whether students will prove more interested in the content. This work can be applied to groups of rural education in elementary and secondary education , it suggests some relevant factors in the learning meaningful and enjoyable geometry , seeking a better quality teaching for students of the field .
We start from a unique methodology where we prepared two different questionnaires , one containing contextual issues , and other issues without context , so as to analyze the results later. After our research the results were just the opposite than we thought, because we start from the premise that the questionnaire contextualized obtained a more correct than no contextualization questionnaire , which did not happen . The questionnaire obtained contextualization without a greater number of correct answers than contextualized .