LEITE, A. C. G.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9022985846799866; LEITE, Ana Cláudia Galdino.
This work was developed in the Municipal Unity of Education Roberto Leal, located at downtown in the city of Sumé, Paraíba, Brazil. To our approach organization we were supported by renowned theoreticals, during the period of two (2) months in loco, with the finality of analyzing the function of the school management in the organization, development and participation on the activities that envolves the pedagogical practice of the school, in the pursuit of identifying the contributions of the manager in the framework of the pedagogical activities and the relationship of this professional with the pedagogical coordination of a school in the city, but also attending to a large percentage of students coming from countryside. The methodology sought verifying the participation of the school manager during the moments of planning with the pedagogical team of the school; Identify the contributions of the manager with the pedagogical coordination during the systematization of projects, activities organization, and also another tasks on the pedagogical practice of the school; knowing how the relationship between the manager and the pedagogical coordination with the partnership on the implementation of the school‟s pedagogy. The analysis where systematized by previous categories, and it was: Participation in the pedagogical projects‟ systematization; Organization of activities and another tasks of the pedagogical practices, and finally, the relationship between the manager and the pedagogical coordination, comprising the partnership in the implementing of the school.