BRITTO, F. T. A.;; BRITTO, Flávia Thaís Alves.
The diverse forms of interactivity conferred on social networks have led to the proliferation of a variety of increasingly hybrid texts in their semioses. Many of them are the result of the (re)creation of the purposes and compositional constructions of genres of notorious social circulation, to meet the demands of diverse and dynamic communicative situations. In this scenario, the social network YouTube, due to its diversity of resources, has acquired great prominence as a support for the emergence of unpublished textual models, such as video review. As this genre derives from the review, commonly included in the school curriculum, it shows its potentiality as a complementary resource to teaching actions, which enable the teacher to gather reading teaching with students' daily practices. Given this, the present study intends to answer the following question: What is the didactic potential of video review, spread in digital environment, as a complementary resource to the teaching of reading? To this end, we conducted an analysis of nine video reviews, published on YouTube channels, through a qualitative and netnographic-inspired research, with the general objective: reflect on the emergence of the genre in question, as an auxiliary tool to teaching practices of reading in high school. Our specific objectives are: (1) to identify the structure of the video review, systematizing its peculiarities, to the detriment of other genres that are in line with its production; and (2) to relate the productivity of this genre in a digital context to the reading teaching practices necessary for that level of education. Such decisions are based on theoretical foundations, which we define in two central axes: the first involves the studies on genres, multimodality of the digital environment and the constitution of the video review as emerging in this environment, based on: Araújo (1996); Bakhtin ([ca. 1953] 1997); Barton and Lee (2015); Bazerman (2006); Jeffman (2017); Silva (2011); Swales (1990); Motta-Roth (1995); among others. The second comprises conceptions related to reading, teaching and teaching practices that use digital resources, in dialogue with Jouve (2002, 2012); Koch and Elias (2014); Leffa (1999) and Rojo (2004). The results allowed us to recognize the video review as autonomous to the review, since, although both genres have similar communicative purposes, its analysis reveals the execution of particular rhetorical movements, with its own prototypical structure, outlined by the multimodality of the digital environment. In addition, the video review has been identified as a potential complementary resource for teaching practices related to reading-related skills development, as it provides an appreciation of textual genres and assists the teaching of literary reading focused on universities’ entrance exams.