RODRIGUES, L. F. M.;; RODRIGUES, Lucinalva Ferreira da Mota.
Thispaper aims to investigate the contribution of formation to the organization of fisherwomen in the city of Sumé – PB. The qualitative approach in a participative researchperspectivehas directed the whole theoretical and methodological foundation of the paths we have wandered to understand our object, and at the same time to exercise the “estrangement” due to the familiarity with the issue by the fact of being a fisherwoman too. In the first stage, we have realized an exploratory study which has enabled us to make the discussion with the group about the project and a further delineation of goals and the contact with the documentary sources. In the second stage,the performance of the observation, the interviews and the records in the field notebook have raised the need to review the literature for deepening the categories and concepts. With the result we have found initials of organization, scarcity of records about the organizational and formative fishermen and the changes that are happening to the visibility that women’s work begins to assume in the organizational and productive dimension. These findings have enabled us to notice the interlacing between organization, production and formation in the redefinition of women’s role in fisheries and consequently in the redefinition of their identity from a fisherman’s wife to a fishing worker.