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Navegação CURSOS DE GRADUAÇÃO DO CES por título

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  • SILVA, M. C. A. M; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9416634043727725; SILVA, Milena de Cassia Alves Monteiro da. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2020-11-23)
    According to a survey by the National Cancer Institute, it was found that about 623,030 people were affected by cancer in Brazil in 2019. It is estimated that in women the most prevalent type of cancer is breast cancer ...
  • QUEIROS, A. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0072691704019930; QUEIRÓS, Acácia de Souza. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2024-10-11)
    Booklets have been used as a pedagogical tool for some years, so that teaching- learning is made possible by basic education students in a contextualized way, thus facilitating the internalization of knowledge. The main ...
  • ARAÚJO, R. C.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5891054011926513; ARAUJO, Rita de Cássia (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2020-08-12)
    Investigate the approach to care for patients affected by erysipelas in the municipality of Cuité / PB, Brazil. Method: Documentary-descriptive research, with quantitative approach developed in the Family Health Strategies ...
  • MORAIS, M. F.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6012284943530573; MORAIS, Mariza Fernandes de. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2019-07-04)
    Nanoscience is seen as a new science that allows numerous applications in nanotechnology, is a technology that has stood out a lot, is a new world for science, the nanometer world is an area that has contributed to the ...
  • OLIVEIRA, A. É. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8896264597931511; OLIVEIRA, Ana Élia Santos. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2015-03-10)
    In this work we have as theme: An ethnomathematic approach of the Daily Life of Farmers in the Municipality of Picuí -PB. We defend this idea because we believe that it is possible to unite popular knowledge and systematized ...
  • AZEVEDO, S. S. D.; AZEVEDO, Schirlene Sheila Dantas de. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2023-02-07)
    The nutritional approach with restriction diets is presented as an alternative in the complementary treatment of children and adolescents with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), although the evidence supporting its use ...
  • FERREIRA, L. C. O.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2474216009490390; FERREIRA, Layane Cândido de Oliveira. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2016-08-30)
    This work analyzes the current Pharmaceutical Assistance model in the municipality of Cachoeira dos Índios / PB, from a survey of the Municipal Health Plan data and comparing the public policies of Pharmaceutical Assistance, ...
  • BERTO, I. R.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0350275293531056; BERTO, Ismaiara Rodrigues. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2019-07-03)
    The Caatinga Biome, located in the semi-arid region of Brazil, is entirely restricted to the national territory and presents a heterogeneous landscape that contributes to the richness of local biodiversity. However, the ...
  • SANTOS, D.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5060441594289254; SANTOS, Danielle. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2021-05-14)
    The present work is based on a bibliographic review that includes the survey of research and the elaboration of records based on the readings of the selected material, being characterized as an exploratory research. ...
  • FERREIRA, B. N.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2490964412688818; FERREIRA, Breno do Nascimento. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2021-05-19)
    Drinking water is the one that presents the most suitable form for the population to consume, does not contain impurities, meets the established drinking standard and does not pose a health risk. It is necessary to ...
  • SANTOS, M. M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6938349098690202; SANTOS, Micáela Michele dos. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2013)
    This work deals a taxonomic survey of Acanthaceae A. Juss. in the Horto Florestal Olho D’Água da Bica, a bushy-woody caatinga area located in the southern slope of the elevation of Cuité, in the Paraíba state. Its aims to ...
  • SOUZA, T. O.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3743751759277340; SOUZA, Thaís Oliveira de. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2023-11-06)
    The school phase covers the period of life from 7 to 9 years, 11 months and 29 days of age. At this stage, in addition to the family, the school begins to play a prominent role in children's health, through the National ...
  • ALVES, Y. K. G.;; ALVES, YORRANE KELLY GOMES.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8709364565927845; ALVES, Yorrane Kelly Gomes. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2023-06-13)
    Introduction: With the creation of Law No. 9.787 on generics in Brazil, there are now three different types of drugs: the reference drug, the similar drug and the generic drug. Generic drugs are interchangeable with a ...
  • SILVA, A. K. B.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3456851627328925; SILVA, Anna Karolina Bezerra da. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2017-07-25)
    INTRODUCTION: In spite of HIV / AIDS prevention measures, in order to obtain a previous diagnosis of the infection, a user evaluator for treatment still presents late presentations. The late diagnosis of HIV infection ...
  • PEREIRA, M. E. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7876707006766759; PEREIRA, Maria Edjane Silva. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2022-12-20)
    In recent years, budget reductions have been experienced in several sectors, in the so-called government initiatives to achieve Food Security and Nutrition (GI-FSN), affecting recent achievements in the fight against ...
  • FERNANDES, S. D.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1855353839463881; FERNANDES, Sabrina Dantas. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2012)
    In the universe of workers’ healthcare are involved domestic workers, freelancers, agricultural workers, self-employed workers, public service employees, cooperative workers, employers, owners of micro and small production ...
  • MELO, Alisson Lins de. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2015)
    The occupational accident is defined as one that can cause damage to the individual, impacting their ability to work, highlighting the work of needlestick accident. The study aimed to summarize the studies published in ...
  • SANTOS, N. M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5496620108618228; SANTOS, Nayara Medeiros. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2013-09-11)
    Urbanization and socioeconomic growth in developing countries increase the purchasing power of the population and the number of private vehicles in circulation, contributing to the growth in the number of traffic accidents. ...
  • PEQUENO, L. T. A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9031413767043655; PEQUENO, Lídio Tiago Alves. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2020-12-01)
    Human rabies is caused by virus, belonging to the genus Lyssavirus, which causes acute encephalitis, leading the patient to death in most cases. The main form of infection is through contact with saliva of infected ...
  • GOMES, F. M. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4170850266159587; GOMES, Fernanda Mateus Silva. (BrasilCentro de Educação e Saúde - CESUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2014)
    Hypertension is a disease of high prevalence in our country reaching large portion of the elderly population, it is recommended that treatment encompasses pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures. Pharmacotherapeutic ...

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