ANDRADE, M. A. A.;; ANDRADE, Maria Aparecida Alves de.
This production is a critical-analytical report resulting from the implementation of the
experiential project of the subject Experiential Project of the Postgraduate Latu sensu in
School Planning and Management. Academic task that supported a process of insertion and
analysis in a living context situation of a state public school in the city of
Santa Cruz-PB, in view of the implementation of an intervention project, which we, as
graduate students, we tried to undertake to report academically the application of
knowledge of school management in the formation of that Post. As object of
study this research has demarcated the relationships between everyday challenges of school management
facing the training required to run a public school. Thus, the overall objective
To do so is to analyze the necessary training base of the management team facing challenges
everyday to run a public school. As a research question to achieve this
objective was outlined the concern: What is the necessary basis of formation of the management team
facing everyday challenges to run a public school? As a methodological strategy for
To answer this research question, documentary research was used,
observation, action research and simple categorization of the data collected in a
qualitative approach to studies. The referential authors that support this production are:
Paro (1987; 1992) in which the discussion of Democratic Management and
participation; Padilha (2000) and Veiga (1998) for discussing the construction of the Project
Pedagogical Politician and Pazeto (2000) and Pires (2012) who undertake a discussion on the
manager qualification required in the face of community participation challenges
school Among the results obtained, we highlight that the school has as its main challenge the
(re) formulation of the PPP and the Internal Regulations, as they are decoupled
of the practical context experienced at school. And that necessarily through this challenge, the
The management team needs to be adequately trained on an ongoing basis to overcome
of the conditions of spontaneism and activism by which, in general, management teams act.