ANDRADE, R. M.;; ANDRADE, Rosélia Maria de.
This article is the result of the pedagogical experience required to
completion of the Lato Sensu Specialization Course in School Planning and Management,
experienced through the Intervention Project and aims to reflect on the
pedagogical performance of School Managers, regarding the necessary quality of teaching
facing the learning of the students. The pedagogical experience was developed in
two School Units of the Municipal and State Education networks of the region of
Cajazeiras, from June to July 2016, totaling 80h of
as required by the corresponding Postgraduate curriculum component.
in Management: Living Project. The study constituted a qualitative approach, with
bibliographic and exploratory research with systematized observations at the
search. The subjects selected for the base of this production were the management team,
teachers and representation of non-teachers. The present study was based on the
contributions from: Libane (2008); Dourado and Oliveira et al (2009); Paro, (2008) and
Candau (1997). The findings of this study showed that the School Units,
although they developed a dynamic and participatory work on the occasion of the
implementation of the referred living project, they still lack to achieve the
desired quality in the teaching management process. Thus, the work developed
institutions has become an instrument for the management, teaching and non-
continue the discussions established and seek to propose strategies for
overcoming structural operational bottlenecks to improve the quality of
education offered at the respective School Units.