FARIAS, J. D.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4052681060719685; FARIAS, Josefa Denise de.
The work presented here aims to present the acceptance rate of students Cariri Paraiba
regarding the integration of the discipline in the curricula of Sociology East, with a view that
sociology is a new discipline for these students, having returned to be part of the curriculum
high school in 2008. The motivation for this study was given by the fact that throughout the
course to hear discussions of the difficulties faced by the discipline, the flashes hit the same
struggles and until their return, as well as the difficulty narrated by teachers at conferences
and classroom around his teaching, such as lack of materials, lack of trained professional in
the area, lack of consensus of content, among others. From these factors I decided to
investigate what the vision of the students in relation to the discipline in question, if they
consider it a good discipline, whether it is important in the practical life of them, what content
Preferred and others. For such research was chosen State School Manoel Honorato Nephew
Coxixola City, State School Senator Joseph Gaudêncio city of Serra Branca and Institute of
the Immaculate Conception private school in the city of Sumé. Target audience were
randomly selected three high school classes each institution, a grade 1, another from 2nd and
3rd grade from another school. Methodological procedure used the quantitative and
qualitative research, through a closed questionnaire with eight questions. The work is divided
into three stages: the first describes the timeline of the discipline Sociology, presenting
moments of exclusion and inclusion of the subject, the second time brings the importance of
discipline in the school and the third part of this paper shows the result of research, which
indicates that students consider the discipline as good, use it in practical life and this result
does not differ greatly from institution to institution, whether private or public, with a teacher
trained in the area or not.