SANTOS, R. S.;; SANTOS, Rosângela da Silva.
Familiar and domestic violence against woman is one of the social problems pointed out mainly by the feminist movement and women in Brazil since the 70s, and since then, has been widely debated in public spaces. The objective of this study is to apprehend the phenomenon of familiar and domestic violence based on the review of cases attended by the Specialized Reference Center for Social Assistance (SRCSA) in the City of Sumé, located in Western Cariri of Paraíba. Due to the absence of research records performed on the referred issue in this location, we have opted for the exploratory research with a qualitative approach by using the technique of life story, being the sample of the study constituted by three (03) women who have suffered this kind of specifically physical violence. For that, we have used as a means of data collection, a roadmap for conducting interviews, containing twenty (20) questions divided into three (03) thematic blocks. The data obtained in the research have shown that the interviewed women have suffered due to domestic violence during childhood, and pointed out some recurring elements in the dynamics of violence, such as the presence of alcohol as a catalytic agent of violence and jealousy. We have also found that they were aware of other women, who had been assaulted by their partners, but did not address to any institution for facing this problem, making it possible for us to realize a greater extension of that. These were some considerations about the results of the research that far from being conclusive raise several queries about the studied phenomenon.