LUIZ, J. V.; LUIZ, Jaime Virgolino.
The prresentt sttudy seeks tto debatte aboutt tthe conceptts,, evolluttiion and iimporrttance off tthe exiisttence
off manualls off prrocedurres iin a company,, iin orrderr tto devellop solluttiions and worrk as a useffull ttooll tto
prroviide a betttterr llevell off iindiiviiduall,, collllecttiive and orrganiizattiionall iinfforrmattiion.. The maiin objjecttiive
iis tto prromotte tthe rrolle off tthe iindiiviiduall as a memberr off a systtem off sttrrattegiic iinttelllliigence fforr
deciisiion makiing,, prroposiing solluttiions tthatt enablle tthe acttiiviitty off tthe memberrs,, allllowiing ffullll
executtiion off tthe metthods,, conceptts and ttechniiques.. To that end, the present study shows that is
necessary to find ways to gather and potentiate the use of information systems which can
integrate management concepts, methods, statistical models, text analysis techniques, as well as
activities focus on the analysis’ exploration and data interpretation. Observing the difficulties
presented by the Coordination Department of the UFCG Administration Course (Campina Grande
– PB) this necessity was found. It was also noted that the present methods, techniques, and tools
do not always achieve the ideal characteristics, requiring, therefore, adequacy. To that end,
descriptive methodology was applied, analyzing the needs detected and concluding with basic