ARAÚJO, P. C. A.;; ARAÚJO, Patrícia Cistina de Aragão.
Through the Brazilian historic development, migrations play a singular role.In Paraiba state, several changes contribute to the occurrence of migrations fluxes and thus a great number of changes in social and economical structures have been reported. This work encompasses a deep study on several aspects that way explain the evolution of migration from the beginning of the seventies as a result of some agricultural improvement applied in the region. Such benefits allowed strong modifications in life and work conditions in agricultural land and influenced the population dynamics. Its is presented here a discussion
over the conditions in which occurred the process for modernizing agricultural practices in Paraiba and its main conditioning factors. Also, it is discussed the problems related to the decline of cotton plantation in Paraiba and its influence on the migration, on fluxes the periodical and cyclic droughts and the changes from a culture based on the trilogy cottoncattle-policulture to another on based on sugar cane plantation and cattle-raising in order to identify the factors above listed some survey in the literature was done. A research was made to get information on the population growth at Paraiba state Data here compared in order to calculate the rote of growth. Thus, it was possible to identify, in the period of analysis, an increase in urban population against a decrease in rural population Furthermore, it was observed a relative in crease in the migration flux across the state and from it to other northeastern municipalities and to other Brazilian cities. The results of this analysis showed that by modernizing agricultural practices some particular social classes were favored as for instance the great fanners start to utilize advance technologies for cattle
raising na for sugar plantation and thus increased the farm productivity. However although the modernizing practices applied to the paraiban agriculture have changed the land profile a great number of social problems. Its effects can be seen by analyzing rural and urban
migration fluxes across the state and, in the urban zone, by observing an enormous rate of growth for its population an increase in the member of unemployeds and sub-employed (generally teenagers) and principally a bloom in the expansion of property.