XAVIER, R. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7214849135835725; XAVIER, Renaly de Souza.
Faced with all the problems that the environmental degradation has brought us, the business sustainability appears as a competitive differentiator that companies can use to continue growing and gaining strength in the market, through actions designed to cause as little environmental impact as possible, without leaving cosiderar the economic and social side, proving thus a necessary tool for business growth. The research had as general objective to describe the company's corporate sustainability practices search target. As to the methodology used, was performed a search of descriptive and quantitative character, consists of a literature review on the topic in question and a case study whose main variables were the economic, environmental and social sustainability. The data were obtained through a structured interview with the Director of the company. The results showed that the company has sustentaveis practices in its processes. However, some restrictions have been identified as: reverse logistics company, currently only limited to the defective notebooks; the marketing department can't identify exactly what customers think of your sustainable actions; the social responsibility actions if restinge to a small number of shares.