CAETANO, N. R.; CAETANO, Nicelle Ribeiro.
In a competitive and globalized world like never before, organizations have in people
their biggest differential. Then, the interest for their satisfaction and Quality of
Working Life emerged, in way to guarantee better organizational performances. This
research paper had as prime objective analyze the aspects related to the Quality
Working Life of the employees of Gráfica Imprimindo o Futuro, Located in the city of
Campina Grande – PB. The chosen Model for realization of this study came from the
Richard Walton’s model that covers 8 (eight) criterions, each one with their respective
indicators. It includes elementary questions to job execution, priorizing hygienic
questions, physical conditions, aspects related to security and remuneration without
disrespect other elements mentioned by other theorists. For each one of the criterions,
the research tried to determinate the satisfaction level of the employees, verifying if
they are or not suitable to their needs and/or expectations. This work is also about the
importance of implementing QVT in business companies, their concepts and the
evolutionary process to allow a better evaluate of the results obtained in the research.
About the used methodology, a research of descriptive and explorer character was
carried through. The instrument used to collect information was a formal
questionnaire, applied to each of the company’s employees. Referring to results,
concluded that are many critical points of insatisfaction of the employees’ Quality of
Working Life, demonstrating the need of human resources Politics and philosophy