NASCIMENTO, A. K. C. C.;; NASCIMENTO, Agerlane Kelly da Conceição Cândido do.
The companies are facing a current scenario marked by a bitter dispute in a place increasingly
competitive. The information comes as a relevant resource for the adoption of proactive
practices. For this, organizations should encourage practices that encourage the use of this
important resource, once the organizational culture of a company can either help or inhibit
behavior directed for the capture, processing and dissemination of information. In this sense,
the present study examines the cultural aspects of a commercial vehicle dealership company
as well as some of their behaviors directed to information. The research has as general
objective the analyzing of the extent of the organizational culture of the company Unidas
Veículos contributes to the practice of activities that encourages the use of information. For
this, was used a descriptive and exploratory methodology. The technique of data collection
was the questionnaire. The focus of study was the opinion of the directors, managers,
supervisors and heads of the company. The universe was 14 managers and the sample was
represented by 13 of these. As a result it was realized that the company carries out training to
share information, it was observed that their culture is supported by values that contributes to
the use of information by the functionaries, is intended to encourage information sharing, but
also was identified a place made by little confidence for exchanging information, as the same
as the little importance given to the employees involved in information practice and a culture
that is not based on rewards. However, the results were satisfactory due to various behaviors
found in the company that facilitate and contribute to the use of information on the activities
of the company and as a conclusion can be said that has the influence of the organizational
culture to encourage such informational practices.