; ALVES, Everton Leandro Galdino.
Nowadays, the activities of project and test of real-time systems (RTS) are still considered
extremely challenging. The quality of this activities are direct proporcional to how experientes are the designers and testers who participates of the process. This fact is mainly because this special computacional systems have a set of differentiated features (e.g. time restrictions and interruptions manipulation) which increase the complexity needed to develop them. Approaches such Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) and Model-Driven Testing (MDT) are trying to increase the importance of putting models into the center of the development and test process (e.g. test case). However, many gaps still impede that this approaches became fully used in the context of real-time systems. Therefore, this work has the goal of providing the basement to allow the use of those approaches in this context. As results, we propose: i) a set of guidelines to modeling RTS using UML; ii) a set of extensions to the UML testing profile (UTP) extended, with the intention of including mechanisms to build test real-time architectures at independent platform level; iii) an informal mapping from UTP elements to a specific RTS platform (C language and FreeRTOS OS); and iv) an auxiliary tool to automatically generate test architectures at different abstractions levels. To evaluate the results, a set of case studies were realized.