NEVES, G. A.;; NEVES, Gelmires de Araújo.
The residues from the beneficiation of ornamental granitic rocks used in the civil
construction are pollutant materials. However, when appropriately manipulated
they can become alternative raw materials for the use in the ceramic industry,
propitiating economy of the traditional reserves and preservation of the
environment at the same time. The aim of this work is to evaluate the potentiality
of the residue from the improvement of the sawing of granites from industries of
Paraiba, Pernambuco and Ceara, as ceramic raw material, in red ceramic,
ceramic tile and sanitary ware, as main component, in instead of the traditional
quartz, feldspar and eventually pegmatite. The samples of alternative (residue)
and traditional raw ceramic materials were submitted to physical and mineralogical
characterization, such as specific gravity, size analysis, specific area, chemical
analysis, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive.
The technological tests for use in red ceramic were carried out agreement with
SOUZA SANTOS and SALGE & BAZARGHI methodology and according to the
Brazilian norms (ABNT). For ceramic tile the composition of the masses were
calculated by using a computer program called REFORMIX - 2.0, and the tests
were carried out following the procedures established SOUZA SANTOS and
according to the Brazilian norms (ABNT). For sanitary ware the composition of the
masses were also calculated by using the same program with the residues in the
natural state and after treatment of to remove iron through a magnetic separation,
also using the procedures proposed by SOUZA SANTOS & ANGELERI. The
results evidenced that the studied residues presented physical and mineralogical
characteristics fit to be used as ceramic raw material in red ceramic for production
of bricks and roof tile, and ceramic tile and sanitary ware.