MONTE, M. A. B. L. D.;; MONTE, Maria Auxiliadora de Brito Lira Dal.
The study was led with the objective of establishing the differences physicalmechanics
of the skins of bovid with 20 and 30 Kg, tanned with chrome and
recurtidas with tannin fenolico more copolimero and resin more acrylic acacia
seeking the control of the quality. 24 animals of both weights were used, being half
castrated. The animals were abated and, after it skins her, the skins were conserved
through resfriamento. The skins were remolhadas, waxed, tanned to the chrome and
cut to the middle. Twenty-four means were recurtidos with tannin fenolico more
copolimero and the remaining with resin more acrylic acacia. Of the leathers, they
were retired it body-of-proves them in the two directions of the number and ventral
areas for the physical-mechanical rehearsals of resistance to the progressive
rasgamento, to the traction and the distention of the flower" for the lastometro. The
tenor of substances extraiveis was analyzed with diclorometano through chemical
rehearsals, however it didn't present statistical difference among the treatments. The
average of the results of the rehearsals physical-mechanics was compared by the
test of " F " at the levels of 1 and 5% of probability. The objective analyses and
subjective " appearance of the grain ", softness ", " firmness of the flower " and "
elasticity " were appraised through rehearsals and questionnaire, and compared by
the contingency table for categorical variables at the levels of 1 and 5% of probability.
For the verification of the correlation between the subjectivity and objectivity of the
variables rehearsals were accomplished in softimetro, pictures of the surface of the
leather, count of the number of follicles primary for mm2 and elasticity. In the
rehearsal of progressive rasgamento the weight of 30 Kg exercised positive effect (P
<0,05). THE leather of bovid recurtido with resin more acrylic acacia also exercised
significant effect in the analysis of progressive rasgamento. The two areas also came
significantly different. The appearance of the grain of the leathers of the animals with
20 Kg, was revealed finer, unlike the leathers of the animals with 30 Kg. In relation to
softness the statistical analysis confirmed the positive difference for the recurtente
fenolico more copolimero (P <0,05), the same happened in relation to firmness of the
flower". Leathers recurtidos with resin more acrylic acacia presented better elasticity
than the recurtidos with recurtente fenolico more copolimero.