; SANTOS, Mariely Santiago de Lima.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurobiological disorder
characterized by attention deficits and hyperactivity or impulsivity. It is influenced by
environmental and social factors, as well as psychiatric comorbidities that can also be determining
sources. Its prevalence is 3% to 5% in school-aged children, with a higher prevalence in males, not
restricted to childhood and accompanying the individual throughout adult life. OBJECTIVES: To
analyze the understanding of family members / caregivers of children diagnosed with ADHD in
relation to such condition. METHOD: This is an exploratory research with a qualitative approach
carried out at the NGO Papel Machê, located in the city of Campina Grande, Paraíba. The data
were collected from November to December 2017 and analyzed using the content analysis
technique proposed by Bardin. The research approved by the Ethics Committee, under the number
68255517.0.0000.5182. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS: Regarding the sociodemographic
aspects, it was evidenced that the majority of family members / caregivers, most of them were of
the middle age group with ages between 30 and 53 years old, all female, without conjugal stability
because the spouses were not parents of the children, because the disorder had already caused the
separation of the same ones, of low schooling and were dedicated only to the home. And all
interviewed were mothers. Limited knowledge about ADHD and about how to handle ADH/D was
evidenced. It was also evident the suffering caused by ADH/D within the family. CONCLUSION:
Addressing the proposed theme and evaluating mothers' comprehension and what interventions
they perform in coping with ADHD was an enriching experience because it allowed a new look at
the relationships and conflicts experienced by these mothers, as well as perceiving them as the
main responsible for care and education of the children. Based on this assumption, the study
brought important reflections about this reality, highlighting the nurses' role as a key element in
this process, since it is one of the professionals who maintains a greater bond with the family.