PEREIRA, M. T. L.;; PEREIRA, Maria Tereza Lucena.
Hypertension and diabetes mellitus are considered non-communicable chronic diseases of multifactorial etiology and high prevalence of involvement, hospitalizations and deaths. The treatment of both is the change in lifestyle (drug treatment), including nutritional therapy, associated with the use of medicines that help control blood pressure and blood glucose (drug treatment). Due to the fact that conform to the chronic diseases, both require the continuous use of medicines and, as a result, individuals with hypertension and diabetics are at risk of drug-nutrient interactions, which can be defined as a condition where a drug can have influence on a nutrient or in the nutritional status of the individual, and/or a nutrient can have influence on the action of a drug, which can interfere with the treatment of patients. Given this, the objective of the present study was to investigate the possible drug-nutrient interactions of antihypertensives antidiabetic and prescribed University Hospital Alcides Carneiro, located in Campina Grande-PB. Through a direct contact with the pharmaceutical sector of the site, it was possible to obtain information about the aforementioned medicines, such as amount and monthly demand; It was subsequently performed a search on scientific articles, books and electronic bulários, to identify all interactions related to prescription drugs, which were organized into two and tables in an application Digital, containing the name of the medicine, the food which features interaction, the effect, the situation of interaction (positive or negative) and the targeted recommendations for each interaction. In General, the hospital offers a total of 658 types of medicines. Of these, 18 are intended for the treatment of hypertension and diabetes mellitus treatment 5. With regard to the monthly demand of these medicines, the antihypertensive drugs are required at the hospital, on average, for a total of 2680 and antidiabetic in a total of 64. To what concerns the drug-nutrient interactions, antihypertensive, 18 15 feature important interactions for clinical practice, while, of 5, all feature significant antidiabetic interactions. Given this, it is worth pointing out that it is extremely important to the proper management of these interactions on the part of health professionals and patients, in order that these may represent a factor capable of influencing positively or negatively on therapy.