FREIRE, M. L. F.;; FREIRE, Morgana Lígia de Farias.
We study the mesons matter D − ¯D in the framework of σ and ω meson exchange
model using Walecka’s mean field theory. We choose the chemical potential as zero
then we get ω0 = 0 and the field σ is given by a self-consistent equation. The
numerical result for the σ field exhibits a critical temperature around 700 MeV,
where for temperatures above of that value the field σ becomes a complex number.
We interpret these results an indication that systems exhibits a phase transition. We
also investigate the mesons matter D − ¯D at low temperature. We find specific heat,
energy per pair, pressure and entropy. Among them, the behavior of the specific
heat with the temperature shows a plateau around the value 2, in which it could be
interpreted as the formation of a molecular state D− ¯D also known by exotic hadron.