ALMEIDA, A. W. T.; ALMEIDA, Antonio Wallysson Tavares de.
The State must ensure the welfare and ensure the physical integrity of the population and
develop public security. In this context, this study aims to verify the interference of the
management of public for the growtch of homicides in Paraiba. Data were collected through
literature searches, books and articlesby expert authors in the field, as well as statistical data
and its mode approach the hypothetical- deductive method. Will be specifical lynoted the
diagnosis of homicides in Paraiba became necessary tomake a theoretical and empirical
analysis of public security in Brazil, and finally which policies should be implemented to
control homicidal violence. The way that this survey was conducted were a lized that the state
can act decisively to reduce homicides, by the way saving lives , to plan and execute policies
for public safety area from statistical data and empirical studies conducted .