DIAS, Vanessa Gonçalves.
Cosmetics are products of frequent consumption by a large part of society. It is noticed a
significant economic growth in this sector, which means that cosmetics contribute positively
to the scientific and technological advances of society. In education, various researchers, such
as, Costa and Santos (2015), Lopes (2012) and Niezer (2012) have developed works focus on
Science-Technology-Society-Environment (STSE) in subject matter inserted in the school
curriculum. Therefore, the present work aims to approach the Cosmetics theme in the
Teaching of Chemistry through STSA approach, contributing to Scientific and Technological
Literacy (STL) of the students enrolled in the Methodology in Teaching Chemistry (MTC) )
subject of the period 2017.1. Thus, a research was developed at the Universidade Federal de
Campina Grande, at Cajazeiras-PB Campus with 27 students. The results show that the
students have a superficial knowledge, however satisfactory about the Cosmectics Chemistry,
and in relation to nanocosmetics. Although the cosmetics are inserted in the daily life of the
students, the great majority do not have the habit of consulting the labels of the products, in
this way, they do not know chemical composition. However, the students are aware of the
environmental impacts caused by cosmetics, often caused by the disposal of their packaging
and some pollutants. Finally, the main results revealed that Teaching Chemistry through the
STSE approach favors scientific-technological development and citizen training, because the
students will be able to discuss and give a critical opinion in relation to issues that involve the
society that they live and, therefore, as future teachers can insert this approach in the school