FERREIRA, M. L.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1545385413965883; FERREIRA, Maricélia Lucena.
Brazil holds one of the largest freshwater potentials on the planet, but there is an
unequal territorial distribution of this resource so essential to life, due to great climatic
diversity and its extensive territory. However, although there is an advanced
legislation aimed at the care of the environment, there is still a little efficient
applicability to the laws. The lack of basic sanitation services endangers the quality of
water available for consumption, affecting human health, resulting in a higher
expenditure of investments that could be directed to health and education of the
population. This objective research through the use of case study explores sewage
treatment methods, involving the contextualization of the teaching of environmental
chemistry and positioning of the students in the face of a problematic presented. It
was used in this research the case of type learning-based problems. The
methodological procedure began with the application of a previous questionnaire,
followed by a lecture addressing the methods of sewage treatment and soon after
presented the case "Bringing the water from the mud to the nobility", to propose in
teamwork the Solutions to the case, expressing them through textual production,
concluding with the application of a questionnaire to ascertain learning. It was verified
in the use of the case study method the possibility of exploring the types of sewage
treatment, in addition to the method providing contributions to a teaching that
develops skills and competences focused on scientific knowledge, the development
of critical-reflective thinking, besides to exploring the relationship of environmental
chemistry teaching with daily life and citizen formation.