MILFONT, J. K. S.;; MILFONT, John Kennedy de Sá.
Education with approach in science technology and environment in chemistry teaching
emphasizing its importance in transmitting to the student a social, technological and
environment, relating to the contents studied in the classroom,
enabling scientific knowledge and helping them to build values, knowledge and
skills needed to solve science and technology issues in society,
making responsible decisions. This work aims at the elaboration of a didactic sequence,
on solids with CTSA teaching approach. To this end, the sequence
didactics with 10 students enrolled in the Experimental Chemistry for Education discipline
At UFCG, whose purpose was to diagnose with higher education students about the
importance of the use of solids in chemistry teaching, relating them to the
technology, society and the environment and use it as a teaching methodology to
work in the classroom with high school students so that they form critical citizens
and aware knowing the importance of studying chemistry. To this end, we selected
some solid materials that are present in our daily lives, widely applied in
industry, architecture, health, construction, among others, and are of paramount importance
for society, were the glass, carbon allotropes, graphite, diamond and nanotubes of
carbon; ice, solid chloride and metal alloys: 18 carat gold, stainless steel and
amalgam, calcium fluoride.It was used as a data collection instrument
before and after the completion of the didactic sequence. Research has revealed that the didactic sequence
with CTSA approach applied in the subject of Experimental Chemistry for Basic Education
showed effectiveness for meaningful student learning. In addition to making a
diagnosis of students' knowledge of solids, it can be seen that the resources
such as the use of video on glass and workshops for the construction of
Solids are a way of making classes more dynamic and contextualized, making the student
subject of your learning. Therefore, it was noticed that classes with CTSA approach
favor the importance of students to know the solids and their applications in daily life.