ALMEIDA, L. R. P.;; ALMEIDA, Luiz Rivadávia Prestes.
Since the Constituent Assembly of 1988, the expression "Remnant of Quilombo
Communities", inscribed in Article 68 of the ADCT, has caused debate and
misunderstandings on the notion of "quilombo". Beyond its historical vision, it
now became an anthropological concept with which we try to account for a
complex reality that concerns, among other things, legal rights and identity of
black communities, not just in rural areas but also in urban areas today.
Communities of Talhado (Serra do Quilombo Community and Serra do Talhado
Urban Community), in Santa Luzia, PB, recognized by FCP as quilombos, are
concrete expressions concerning the contents of the debate. Talhado and the
society in which it is inserted, Santa Luzia, constitute the scenario of inter-ethnic
relations in which the recovery of ethnic identity and legal rights of "Quilombola"
communities are challenged by segments of the surrounding society. This paper
attempts to document the process and implications of ethnic identity
reconstruction of Talhado. Merging ethnographic and historical research, this
paper discusses the meaning of terms like quilombo and Quilombola as
assumed by that community, and how the new identity creates new
relationships within the community, and especially with the surrounding society