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Browsing Doutorado em Matemática - PAPGM - UFPB-JP - UFCG by Author "RODRÍGUEZ, Diana Marcela Serrano."

Browsing Doutorado em Matemática - PAPGM - UFPB-JP - UFCG by Author "RODRÍGUEZ, Diana Marcela Serrano."

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  • RODRÍGUEZ, D. M. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5046602720723954; RODRÍGUEZ, Diana Marcela Serrano. (BrasilCentro de Ciências e Tecnologia - CCTPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM MATEMÁTICAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2014-03)
    In this work we study two generalizations of the well-known concept of absolutely summing operators. The first one consists of the multiple summing multilinear operators and it is focused on a result of coincidence that ...

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