LEAL, Maria Vanessa.
Electronic waste is discarded along with common waste causing various problems for the environment and man. This paper presents data from a survey of E.E.E.F.M. Professor Crispim Coelho about what e-waste, its components, whose responsibility is for the disposal and amount of e-waste produced. The aim of this study is to know the conceptions of the students of the 1 0, 2 0 and 30 years of the school, regarding the theme and how the e-waste is being discarded, so that we can discuss problems generated by the e-waste and the solutions. and viable alternatives to minimize the problem. The methodology used was to first apply a questionnaire on the theme, presentation of educational lecture and promotion of selective collection campaign with students. The results showed that most of the interviewees already had some knowledge about the destination and responsibilities of the correct disposal of e-waste. The selective collection campaign was very promising by mobilizing students who brought in various disused electronic devices from their homes.