MOREIRA, M. S.;; MOREIRA, Marina da Silva.
The present work aims to document the heterogeneity of exotic vegetation of the urban area of Aurora (Ceará) and the ethnobotanical knowledge of the population. The work was carried out between April and August of 2017. Samplings of exotic vegetation were performed in Aurora with the objective of cataloging the species. Ethnobotanical data were obtained from formal/informal interviews. The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by the union of the different competences. Six families, eight genera and nine exotic plants were identified. The most representative families were Fabaceae and Malvaceae. Most interviewees demonstrated partial understanding of the meaning of native/exotic. Less than half of the respondents (46.7%) mentioned exotic species in the afforestation of the region. The exotic plants mentioned were ―mangueira, figueira and nimindiano‖. Nimindianowas the most cited in the interviews. Respondents never used exotic species. It was observed that there is no significant importance for attributions of use of the exotic plants in the region, except in the afforestation. Informants have recognized that exotic plant roots damaging the sewage and deforming walls/sidewalks. Most of the informants considered to be more relevant the use of the native plants in the afforestation. In this study, the age and the monthly income of the interviewees did not influence ethnobotanical knowledge.