SILVA, J. J.;; SILVA, Josefa Jozaelsan da.
This article aims to verify the existence of public policies for social sustainability and its
implications for urban and rural population in the municipality of Caraubas - PB. Initially, the
article presents a brief history about the sustainability also highlights some aspects such as:
design of sustainable development dimensions of sustainability, social sustainability, poverty
and exclusion, characterization of the object of study: city of Caraubas - PB, analysis of
results and discursion, closing remarks references and appendix. The same is also justified by
the need to form a more fair and efficient municipal management covering the needs of
society and seek greater interaction and responsiveness to society in order to improve the
quality of life local. A methodology was adopted: questionnaires, interviews and visits the
communities involved, media aimed at computerization of society about the issue, in part
bibliographic sources were used as: websites, articles, books and authors in the field and the
study of character quali - quantitative, descriptive and exploratory, aimed at preparing local
diagnosis. Finally, an analysis of the results was taken as a general observation, the results
show that there are devoted to social policy but are the result of actions of the federal
government and not the local management.