RAMOS, R. B.; RAMOS, Rosilda Barboza.
Nowadays schools need to adapt to the new demands of students, which often comes with special
needs, and that even so, should not have difficulty adapting. The present work is to analyze the main
overall objective difficulties of Municipal Public Elementary School of the Congo/PB to receive
students with special needs. This work is classified as a case study, with descriptive and exploratory
methodology of qualitative and quantitative nature, and literature and documents, applying semistructured
questionnaire. It is noteworthy that the educational inclusion of students with special needs
in regular public schools is still a challenge faced constantly throughout Brazil. Public school
environments still require improvements to remain able to receive students with special needs, since
inclusion is extremely important so that there is integration between the poor and the school. Inclusive
education plays a fundamental for the development of the students who have some limited role
learning, and seek to overcome the educational exclusion. Through this field research conducted in
this Municipal Public School could be seen that there is a great need for changes in the physical
environment, requiring urgent changes, professional educators, adaptations in various environments
and changes in its structure. It was concluded, therefore, that it is essential that training and training
for teachers dealing with these students because many are not prepared to deal with students with
disabilities. These changes are essential to ensure accessibility for all.