LIMA, H. R. S. M.;; LIMA, Hellen Roberta Santos Morais.
This study aimed to analyze the proposed pedagogical training of Nursing undergraduate courses distributed in Paraíba about the challenges in interventions and nursing care to women affected by postpartum depression. This phenomenon has been presented in the current literature as a of great assistance to health problems of women in the postpartum phase. It is a study of qualitative approach, with characteristics of a descriptive exploratory study. The total study population consisted of thirty PPCs (pedagogical design course) of Paraiba universities, as inclusion criteria for this sample, it was decided to PPCs that were available in their entirety on the Internet, in which only five documents contemplated were and analyzed. by analysis of the nursing course pedagogical projects and according to the teaching plans of the disciplines of Mental Health and Psychiatry. The results were analyzed using the content analysis technique, which were analyzed each session of teaching plans and menus, objectives, methodology, evaluation and bibliography. an inefficiency in the professional training process with respect to women affected by the DPP was evident. It was possible to verify that the content indicated in the menus of the Mental Health discipline of teaching political projects of the courses surveyed have differences, therefore, it is clear that many of the proposed content on menus hinder the development of education in mental health from the perspective of psychosocial care . It is worth noting that the nursing care in the postpartum depression is not mentioned to what is proposed in the current public policies. Therefore, we consider that nursing Mental Health and Psychiatry still shows the traditional way, with the need to hit the beat with policy proposals to Brazilian Mental Health and the institutional documents to implement a school to develop skills and capacity of future nurses develop better care practices.