Mestrado em Meteorologia.: Recent submissions

  • PAZ, R. S.;; PAZ, Rômulo da Silveira. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 1993-03)
    The favorable conditions for the formation and evolution of a mesoscale convective complex (MCC) from large-scale forcings are diagnosed through a case study, referring to the episode between June 23 and 25, 1982; generating ...
  • ARAÚJO, H. A.;; ARAÚJO, Heráclio Alves de. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 1996-07)
    A unique set of C-band meteorological radar echoes is analyzed. The data were obtained in Petrolina-PE (9°24'S, 40°30'W), located in the semi-arid region of Northeast Brazil, during the first semester of 1985. The role ...
  • VALADÃO, C. E. A.;; VALADÃO, Cati Elisa de Avila. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 1992-12)
    The present study investigates behavior and limitations of the CST technique ("Convective-Stratiform Technique": ADLER and NEGRI, 1988) when adapted to daily precipitation totals. Only hourly images of the infrared channel ...
  • DINIZ, G. B.;; DINIZ, Gilberto Barbosa. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 1994-08)
    Time series o f global irradiation of two stations (Barra de Santa Rosa and Pombal) of the solanmetnc network of Paraiba were simulated using the technique of multivariate analysis. The data from 16 stations of solanmetnc ...
  • BECKER, C. T.;; BECKER, Carmem Terezinha. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 1992-06-30)
    Homogeneous subregions were determined from the climatological point of view of temperature and precipitation in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Objective techniques of Multivariate Analysis: Cluster Analysis (TAA) and ...
  • MOREIRA, A. A.; MOREIRA, Atílio Aguilera. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 1994-07-05)
    The thermal behavior of the soils at different locations in the State of Bahia was studied using the soil temperature data obtained at different depths. The data collected at the climatological stations of Santa Rita de ...
  • PACHECO, N. A.;; PACHECO, Nilza Araújo. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 1999-01-15)
    The aims of this study is the identification of the most suitable areas and sowing periods for the establishment of soybean crop in northeastern and southeastern Para State region (Brasil). It takes into consideration ...
  • RODRIGUES, M. F. G.;; RODRIGUES, Marcos Fernando Guedes. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 1996-04-22)
    Rainfall data of 84 locations of the Ceara State were used for determining the contribution of the first and second periods to the accumulated rainny season rainfall for each State microregion. The rainny season was ...
  • FERREIRA, J. A. S.;; FERREIRA, José Alberto da Silva. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 1995-06-21)
    A field experiment was conducted during the 1993 crop season (October 22, 1993 to January 13, 1994) in a private farm , Fazenda Sao Joao, located in the city of Mossoro-RN. The crop under study was melon (Cucumis melo ...
  • DAMIÃO, M. C.;; DAMIÃO, Monica Cristina. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 1999-09)
    The identification of the main atmospheric circulation differences between rainy and dry January months in the semi-arid Northeast region, as well as the analyses of previous months (OND) and following months (FMAM) was ...
  • LEITAO, M. M. V. B. R.;; LEITÃO, Mário de Miranda Vilas Boas Ramos. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 1989-06)
    This research was conducted at the experimental station of CPATSA / EMBRAPA, in the irrigated perimeter of Mandacaru, Juazeiro-BA, aiming to study the behavior of irrigated soybean (Glycine max. (L.) merrill) cultivated ...
  • LIMA, L. M.;; LIMA, Lourivaldo Mota. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 1995-08)
    In this study we adapted an atmospheric correction model that filters the effect of molecular composition ("air") and aerosols on satellite images, transforming the radiance detected by the sensor in a reflectance ...
  • SOUZA, P. P.;; SOUZA, Paula Pereira de. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2003-02)
    This work investigates the consequences of a mid-latitude system invasion of semi-arid Northeast Brazil in the beginning of June 1985. Large and mesoscalc aspects of the episode are diagnosed using; (a) NCEP gridpoint ...
  • ARAUJO, P. C.;; ARAÚJO, Patrícia Cordeiro de. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2005-05)
    The rainfall-runoff modeling process has been an object of research for a long time and several models have been developed so far. From the simplest models based on empirical equations to the modern complex ones, these ...
  • GUEDES, M. J. F.;; GUEDES, Maria Joseane Felipe. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2004-02)
    This study investigates the sensitivity of the model "Brazilian Regional Atmospheric Modeling System" - BRAMS to the several different kinds of closure associated to the convective parameterization of Grell and to the ...
  • NÓBREGA, R. S.;; NÓBREGA, Ranyére Silva. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2003-05-30)
    In this study we investigated climatic aspects of the water vapor recycling on Brazil. Water vapor recycling refers to the feedback mechanism of the Land-Atmosphere system in which a certain fraction of water evaporated ...
  • SOUZA, I. A.; SOUZA, Ioneide Alves de. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 1997-08-20)
    The objective of this study is to verify the importance of climatic variability produced by the tropical Pacific and Atlantic Ocean temperature anomalies, over the fluctuations in the aridity indices and consequently in ...
  • SILVA JÚNIOR, H. D.;; SILVA JÚNIOR, Hailton Dias da. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2004-12-17)
    This study presents a criterion to identify and to evaluate the importance o f the variables involved in the process of evopolrnnspiration for the use of the technique of multivaried statistics, Principal Components ...
  • LOPES, G. M.;; LOPES, Gláucia Miranda. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2003-07-18)
    The main objective of the present study was the determination of the balance radiation at surface, based on seven spectral bands o f Landsat 5 - Thematic Mapper. Two images, taken on December 04, 2000 and October 04,2001, ...
  • ROCHA, G. F.; ROCHA, Gildete Ferreira da. (BrasilCentro de Tecnologia e Recursos Naturais - CTRNPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIAUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 1993-03-18)
    The period from 13 to 18 June 1975 was studied with the objective of determining if the use of the potential vorticity and its horizontal advection, in the middle and upper troposphere, is efficient in providing a ...

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