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  • http://lattes.cnpq.br/8596544555683960; LEMOS, Janiéli Silvestre da Silva. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2021-11-17)
    The object study that guided this research was the offering of Early Childhood Education for children living in rural areas of a municipality from Paraíba's marsh. Its general aim was to understand the service organization ...
  • SOUSA, Pâmella Tamires Avelino de.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1084948038994764; SOUSA, Pâmella Tamires Avelino de. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2018)
    The dissertation "In The Benefit of the Formation of Female Youth"- Escola Normal Estadual of Campina Grande (1955-1960) it is about the creation of a school institution for teacher formation in the 1960s, located in a ...
  • LIMA, R. C. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1939548270133078; LIMA, Ritha Cordeiro de Sousa e. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2021-03-05)
    The educational process of deaf people must be seen in a particular way mainly because it involves a singular linguistic mode (sign language), as a sine qua non-condition of access to knowledge and construction of ...
  • SOUZA, A. L. D.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2917645421670408; SOUZA, Antonia Luana Demetrio de. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2023-02-28)
    This thesis investigates the impact of the educational process for teaching-learning programming with Educational Robotics (ER) on the development of computational thinking (CT) among High School students. Toward this ...
  • MELO, Naara Q.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3589388982247952; MELO, Naara Queiroz de. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2018-03-16)
    This master’s thesis deals with the actions of the State regulator and the market educator as guiding the process of commodification of children's education, especially, in the municipality of Campina Grande, in the state ...
  • BARRETO, Luciana. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2022-09-29)
    This research analyzed the meanings of the scholar exclusion and mobilization to the scholar belonging feeling of remaining students, in order to characterize their scholar journey; reflect about the social and family ...
  • FIGUEIRÊDO, V. M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9198321155366511; FIGUEIRÊDO, Verônica Melo de. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2022-12-16)
    This research had the general objective of analyzing whether and to what extent the practices of literary reading developed by Flibo (Literary Festival of Boqueirão) workers contribute to the formation of young readers of ...
  • SANTANA, V. D. A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0183561276426557; SANTANA, Valesca Daniele de Almeida. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2023-03-23)
    The present study has as its objective the training of teachers, specifically, the training of Physical Education teachers, through the course of the same name at the Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB), aiming to ...
  • SOUZA, F. M. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4291008065450394; SOUZA, Fabiana Maria dos Santos. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2020-10-15)
    Contemporary teaching is marked by the rediscovery of the way of teaching and learning, due to the dynamism of society, in which changes occur quickly and constantly, mediated by technological development that, increasingly, ...
  • EUFRÁSIO, C. L. B. A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5136934107266559; EUFRÁSIO, Cíntia Letícia Bittar de Araújo. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2021-08-30)
    In this master's thesis, we bring the debate on the right to quilombola school education. From a historical perspective, we discuss the period of enslavement, the formation of quilombos, the struggle for freedom, recognition ...
  • QUEIROZ, R. A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7173939277938645; BARROS, Rosa Amélia de Queiroz. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM LINGUAGEM E ENSINOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2020-07-07)
    This research is linked to the Post-Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Campina Grande, in the line of research History, Politics and Educational Management, and its study object was the management ...
  • ALVES, R. K. M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3206673385605325; ALVES, Renata Kalliane Menezes. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2024-03-28)
    This research is linked to line one of Educational History, Policy and Management of the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Campina Grande (PPGEd/UFCG). This investigation had as its object ...
  • ANDRADE, J. K. A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5380308094997595; ANDRADE, Janne Kely Alves de. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2024-05-28)
    Starting from the principle that the teaching of orality is fundamental to the development of argumentation and that this is an essential skill for the formation of critical thinking and action of subjects in society, ...
  • MORAES, M. B.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3646807828564809; MORAES, Marina Batista de. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2021-11-18)
    The progressive variations in the concepts of Mother Tongue teaching and textual genres teaching lead us to reflect on the discrepancies that involve the formation of the pedagogue person and its performance in Early ...
  • DIAS,Y.M.S.I; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0657693417306739; INOCÊNCIO, Yasmim Maria Dias dos Santos Inocêncio. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2022-09-27)
    The present dissertation is linked to Line of Research 1, History, Policy and Educational Management of the Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), and its object is the history ...
  • SOUSA, E. T.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7512067381943356; SOUSA, Elaine Tayse de. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2019-12-12)
    This research had as its object of study the interactions between babies within the context of childcare centers. A general objective of it was analyzing how babies aged 11 to 17 months interact at a childcare center ...
  • PEREIRA, K. S. N.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3033908584468690; PEREIRA, Kimberlly Saiwry Nunes. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2024-04-05)
    This master's research focuses on the concepts of literary reading held by teachers working in public nurseries. Its main goal is to analyze the literary reading concepts of teachers in these educational spaces within ...
  • CORREIA, M. M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9707862547993233; CORREIA, Marta de Medeiros. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2022-11-29)
    This research presents Scientific Literacy (CL) as the subject of study, more specifically,our object is outlined from the Scientific Literacy approach presented in the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) - Initial ...
  • MELO, G. T. B.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5177563691504654; MELO, Gilmara Tássia Barbosa. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2023-08-28)
    This study is based on the understanding that modern society is characterized by changes in several aspects, many of them due to the insertion of digital technologies and the citizen’s need to make use of their social ...
  • OLIVEIRA, C. M. L.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9167279363329470; OLIVEIRA, Cleonice Maria de Lima. (BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHPÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃOUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2020-03-17)
    This research was motivated by the discourse of difference and the defense of building societies and schools that are welcoming to subjects and their singular subjectivities. It is because the school is understood as a ...

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