OLIVEIRA, D. F.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4412534388705053; OLIVEIRA, Djane de Fátima.
The accelerated process of industrialization and modernization has
contributed to a significant increase in the generation of urban solid residue and
causing social and economics damages. Beside the environmental problems, the
shortage of raw materials can cause concern about the future. This problematic is
request the attention of the experts in the way to add value to the re-use of the
generated residue from the industrialization process. The trash volume, that is a
great source of residue from civil construction, is almost two times the urban solid
volume. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate the behavior of the alternative products
made with these residues in relation to the conditions acceptable by society. This
estimation is the aim of this work that deal with the use of the civil construction
residue to make concrete building block. It was studied an accelerated weathering
(wetting/drying cycles) as a methodology to evaluate the durability of the alternative
composite. The results show that the increase in the residue content can increase the
ratio water/cement due to the presence of materials with high water absorption, such
as milled mortar and ceramic materials. The mechanical behavior of the alternative
concrete indicate that the ideal composition to the alternative structural blocks is to
the proportion 1:6 (cement/sand) and 1:8 to the no structural blocks, both with 60% of
residues. In relation to the durability, it can be stated that the combination between
the small consumption of cement (proportion 1:8) and 30% of residue substituting the
natural aggregates can reduce the degradation effects of wetting/drying cycles. This
composition is the best sample that stress the pozzolanic effect give by the presence
of ceramic material in the milled residue.