CARVALHO, A. P.;; CARVALHO, Aurean de Paula.
The drainage basins in Brazil has been the scene of development of societies along the
history, in Northeast brazilian they have been periodically devastated by natural disasters
and anthropic. Traditionally the man has provoked interventions in these geographic areas
for extraction of vegetation, predation and development of productive activities unadapted
with little or no vision of sustainability such as, for example: agriculture, cattle breeding,
mining, among others, this has results in innumerable disasters with severe effects on water
resources. So the administration and management of environmental resources, especially
water, seeks the rational, which may only be achieved if we understand that water is
influenced by the local soil, climate, geology, geomorphology, vegetation surrounding, for
adjacent ecosystems, conditions that prevail in the drainage basin and the man that it the
can be the protector agent or destroyer. From this perspective, this work was to study the
degradation process practiced along the basin of the reservoir Soledade that situated in the
Solitude city in the semiarid Northeast, in mesoregiao Paraiba arid, eastern part of the
Borborema Plateau, the basin of the Middle Paraiba. For both the water quality of this
water resource was monitored at three sampling points across the physical, chemical and
biological characteristics according to standard methods APHA (1995). The
methodological process also includes determining of the vulnerabilities and levels of land
degradation, the environmental perception of the riverain community, was used for both
GIS, digital image analysis, photographs, field-work, questionnaires in the triennium 2008
- 2010. The results showed high values of vulnerabilities, high levels of degradation and
the predominance of a simplistic view about the environment. The water analysis
demonstrated that the reservoir of the water is degraded by human activities and is
incompatible with the uses to which it is destine. So, it is necessary the implantation of
management system to control the various degradation processes and educational
campaigns (environmental education) based on supporting initiatives that provide
structural and cultural changes necessary to strengthen institutions and management of the
basin, since this water resource is used in various ways by the local community.