FONTES, S. M.;; FONTES, Sabrina de Medeiros.
Banana starch is still an ingredient widely studied in scientific circles to meet the
needs of the food industry sector. It can be used as an ingredient, component or
basic additive added in lower amounts to impart improvements in the manufacture,
storage, or presentation of the final product. This study aims to characterize the pulp
of green banana variety Mysore (Musa AAB - Mysore), extract and study the starch
as its physico-chemical characterization of functional and morphological properties
and to analyze their importance and use by a technological forecasting research. The
yield of 13.57% amounted to a starch good quality with high starch content (90.08%)
and low content of phenolic compounds (0.0024 g AC. Tannic / 100 g sample). The
high swelling power and low loss of water through syneresis indicates that the starch
is less prone to retrogradation, can be applied to foods that require refrigeration,
where syneresis is not favorable. Already proved morphology intact granules with
particular characteristics. In the study of technological forecasting, the numbers of
patent filings deposited in the Espacenet patent database showed a significant
increase over the years to give prominence to the early twentieth century. Processing
technology and use involving derivatives banana analyzed (starch, flour, pulp and
biomass) in the prospective study, point to continued growth in the area, enlarging
the theme and reinforcing the idea that starch can be an alternative technology and
development of food products.