ALMEIDA, Wendell Assis de.
The research developed aims to analyze the textbook Portuguese Languages from the student copy by the 6th level of basic teaching II, written by Willian Roberto Cereja and Thereza Cochar Magalhães. Then, the work promotes a reflection about the History of the Portuguese Language since its beginning, the Latin. Therefore, the general objective is to analyze about the need for a contextualized approach regarding to the history of the Portuguese Language and the lexical variations over time. Furthermore, the research has as specific objectives to develop an explanation that deals with the lexical evolution of the language; to identify the possible gaps presents in the textbook; and to suggest a better way to approach the classroom teaching. It is a work with a bibliographic, descriptive and qualitative stamp, based on the following writers: Assis (2011), Coutinho (2011), Ilari (2006), Basso (2010), Teyssier (2001) among others that also were great important for the consolidation of this research. However, after the analysis made about the textbook, it was observed that the approach used by the authors is laconic when they explore the historical contextualization and the evolution of the Portuguese language over time. Therefore, even if the reader(s) has(ve) a previous knowledge about the theme, it is evident that the textbook analyzed presents some gaps in relation to the historical contextualization and the lexical variation of the Portuguese language, and it cannot and it must not be employed as the only alternative for source of research.