DANTAS, A. P. M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6001154411786105; DANTAS, Ana Paula Martins.
The object of this study is in the book "Family Ties" (2009), and relates specifically to tales
"Love" and "Happy Birthday." The work constitutes the second book of short stories by
journalist and writer Clarice Lispector (1922-1977). The objective of this research is to
analyze the representation of women throughout the narratives and identify how the
symbolism relates to the female characters. The research will be conducted in the light of
criticism and theory of important authors for the study with Clarice Lispector, like Antonio
Candido (1918), Benedito Nunes (1929-2011), Nadia Battella Gotlib (1947) among others.
For the approach involving questions relating to the study by the gender perspective, it was
thought from reading Simone de Beauvoir (1908 - 1986), Pierre Bourdieu (1930 - 2002),
Mariana Coelho (2002), Heilborn (1992) Lia Zanotta Machado (1992), among others, that
contribute to the critical discussion, especially when referring to the representation of women,
the male domination and the concept of gender itself. We also point out in this work, the texts
of Roberto Damatta (1936) and Jean Chevalier (1906-1993), based on the rationale for what
we have built literally on symbology and how it relates the tales with characters Ana and D.
Anita. Therefore, we revisit the history of feminism and gender studies. And we have
analyzed the stories in light of these studies, relating the characters with the symbolic. The
analysis gravitated in both tales about women's issues under the domestic domains. And in
both detected the mark of transgression of the characters. The epiphany, as a principle of a
revelation of the woman who is in Ana ("Love"), evolves to the critical awareness of the
character Anita D. ("Happy Birthday"), which denounces, even in deaf protest, the oppression
which is subject to elderly woman.