OLIVEIRA, A. A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6518994747921642; OLIVEIRA, Alnaria Andrade de.
This work spoke about the relevance of the argumentation, an aspect that find itself in
verbal and written genres, mainly in Seminar genre. To this end, the main objective of
this study is to show the importance of working the items of argumentation present in
the text so that the subject can expose its arguments and thoughts clearly and it can
persuade its interlocutors. We used the PCNs (1997-1998-2000), FIORIN (2015),
KOCH (1999-2000-2002-2008-2013), DOLZ e SCHNEUWLY (2004) and other
thinkers as theoretical basis and all of them were essential for this research. As
concerns methodology, it is a bibliographic research with qualitative approach for the
understanding about the relevance of the argumentation in Seminar genre. According
to the result of the search, we observe the importance of argumentation as an
implement of the teacher to the development of orality and writing from its students
through the Seminar genre.