NÓBREGA, L. M. O.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9574766767937661; NÓBREGA, Laysa Maria de Oliveira.
In the field of nutrition, actions to promote healthy eating are developed, knowing that one of the essential requirements for healthy living lies in alimentation. Promotion activities should be encouraged from childhood since it is considered a period of formation of eating habits. In this sense, school environment becomes necessary as space for the development of actions to promote healthy eating, as points and guides the Portaria Interministerial No. 1,010, of May 8, 2006. The Portaria Interministerial established guidelines for the development of healthy eating actions in school environments, from public and private networks of education at a national level. Given the above, the aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of use of children's literature to support promotion practices of healthy eating within the Food and Nutrition Education (EAN), with children. The survey was conducted in two phases: (one) analysis of four books of Lispector in order to extract topics of interest and to prepare the booklet (two) evaluation of the prepared material and the activity carried with him, with students and teachers of a public school system. Furthermore, the corpus of textual research was: in first phase, it was formed by the books "Quase de verdade", "O mistério do coelho pensante", "A vida íntima de Laura", and "A mulher que matou os peixes". In second phase, it was formed by reviews made by teachers and 42 students from two classes of the elementary school Monsenhor Pedro Anísio. The material was analyzed using the Bardin content analysis method. Results, in first phase, pointed to work with the following themes: (one) practical cookery and full use of regional foods, (two) development of five human senses and their relationship to alimentation, (three) healthy food choices, recognition and enhancement of local food, and (four) supply purposes and bodily needs. After development of the booklet and pedagogical intervention, with help of the project pedagogy, results were indicated in the following way: (one) the material prepared with support of the literary text: (a) literature adequately supported this type of action, seen students' interest in reading the book and understanding issues discussed after the reading, (b) the teachers evaluated the material in a didactic way, playful and with adequate methodological sequence for the range of students’ age, (two) on the intervention: (a) from the perspective of the students it was fun and interesting the development of this kind of activity in the classroom, and the discussion about food (b) from the teachers’ perspective, the activity was creative, awakening in students a dynamic way to address healthy eating issues and training new eating habits. With the results, we affirm the possibility of creational and educational activities in Nutrition, with support of children's literature, in order to work with Food and Nutrition Education at school.