OLIVEIRA, N. K. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8581312797104073; OLIVEIRA, Narralla Karine dos Santos.
In recent decades, research on textual or discursive genres attended the theoretical
agenda of various areas of knowledge, aiming to deepen academic knowledge about this
effective instrument for teaching and learning languages in a social communicative
view. In this perspective, the objective of this trabalhofoi analyze the theoretical and
methodological point of view, as gender interview is tomadoenquanto resource for
Portuguese classes in the 8th grade of elementary school II. We rely on official
documents, e.g. the National Curriculum Standards (1998), and authors such as:
Marcuschi (2008, 2011), Antunes (2009), Biasi-Rodrigues (2008), Schneuwlly and Dolz
(2004), Carvalho and Delmanto (2012), Hoffnegel (2003), among others. In addition,
we present a proposal of educational intervention conducted on textual genres. Thus, we
consider important that the teaching of Portuguese language is more dynamic and
interactive through the genres, because, therefore, it will contribute to the
communicative competence of students in the effective use of language in its social